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Learning Support/Language Learning


"I primarily use the goggles for the Sleep I and II session, and find that for the first time in many years I fall asleep deeply without thinking about work or other stresses. It is a great product, and far more 'professional' looking to me than the competitor products. I would love to see more sessions available in the future." William B.

Anfangs war ich schwer beeindruckt von der Erfahrung, die Sounds, die Farben, das Licht, alles passt gut zusammen und man schafft es wirklich mal an "Nichts" zu denken. Das ist ja bekanntlich eine wichtige Sache beim Stressmanagement. Leider verbrauchte sich der Reiz doch schon nach ein paar Wochen und ich hörte auf mit meinen 20 Minuten Sessions. Erstaunlicherweise bekam ich aber nach ein paar weiteren Wochen wieder richtig Lust auf meinen Laxman und bin jetzt dabei auch mal eigene Sessions mit dem Editor zu machen. Patrick B.

Learning Support/Language Learning

The Laxman supports the receptiveness and long term memory characteristics of the brain and is ideal for learning preparation, reinforcement and support. Special relaxation programs which promote an increase of the attention are especially suitable for learning preparation. They lead to a promotion of the so-called alpha state and increase the cerebral perfusion.

Some contents, e.g. auditive language courses, can be directly uploaded to the device and learned with appropriate sessions. Various contents can be easily integrated and exchanged by a memory card.

For learning reinforcement there are also special programs available, which support the retention of learned contents in the long term memory. This takes place by a promotion of the so-called theta state.

Thus, the Laxman is especially suitable for training and coaching institutions, as well as in all situations where complex contents have to be learned and memorized within a short time.

Find recapitulatory study results concerning the use of audiovisual stimulation for learning in our rubric "studies".