"I primarily use the goggles for the Sleep I and II session, and find that for the first time in many years I fall asleep deeply without thinking about work or other stresses. It is a great product, and far more 'professional' looking to me than the competitor products. I would love to see more sessions available in the future." William B.I just wanted to thank you for such a wonderful piece of technology. I love
it. All the new sessions are fantastic and I look forward to more.
Have a great day. Matthew K.

You can lend the Laxman to your guests to take to their rooms. Tourists can recover....more info

Clinical and Therapeutical Fields of Application
The audiovisual stimulation is a treatment without side effects for various clinical and therapeutical fields of application...more info

Increased Performance/Refreshment
By the fast and efficient relaxation promoted by the Laxman resources which are blocked up in muscle tensions are released quickly and efficiently. ...more info

Sports and Proshops
Audiovisual stimulation has been used for mental training in sports for a long time. The quick relaxing effect promotes the release of top performance....more info