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Hier finden Sie eine Liste mit interessanten Studien zum Thema Audio-Visuelle-Stimulation

Laxman Pilotstudy

Study on the impact of... 

Study Abstracts 1973-2009

A collection of audiovisual... 

Laxman efficiency clinical proven

Study on the impact of... 

Klinische Studie mit dem Laxman

Untersuchung der Auswirkungen... 

Kinder mit hyperkinetischem Syndrom

Neurochemische Hypothesen und... 


Progressive Muskelrelaxation... 

Schulische Leistungssteigerung

durch visuelle Stimulation... 

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism

Frequency-Dependent Changes... 


VERY NICE! Rabindra Singh

"I primarily use the goggles for the Sleep I and II session, and find that for the first time in many years I fall asleep deeply without thinking about work or other stresses. It is a great product, and far more 'professional' looking to me than the competitor products. I would love to see more sessions available in the future." William B.